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Rich MacDonald
Actor Playwright
Looking for Representation, management,
Equity Eligible
About me
My Story
A long strange journey brought me to acting after a 35-year career as a media an entertainment analyst and banker. I have loved the theater my whole life. I have the same passion for it and film and television as I did when I started--As Alan Alda said, "Actors and acting changes lives--even in little ways, everyday."

A Time to Re-invent
After losing a family member just before the onset of pandemic, I wrote Frosty and The Coyotes out of a crazy need to do something, almost anything in response. With three actor friends who felt a similar need, we started rehearsing Frosty and filmed it front of green screens on zoom, adding sets virtually and a whole animation scene. Amazingly, it was accepted in eleven film festivals winning three awards. Frosty has opened a whole new path of video story telling for me and others that is very exciting!
Wynn Handman Studio Acting and Directing. 2005-2008
Atlantic Theater Company Acting School, Evening Conservatory, 2017-2018.
Karen Kohlhaas, Advanced Scene Study and Monologue Audition Class with 2017-2018. Full participant in several Tennessee Williams Weekend Workshops. Boss Finley, Big Daddy, Rev. Winemiller, T. Lawrance Shannon
Paul Michaels, On Camera Advanced Study, The Source.

Short Reel
Short show reel
Voice Over
Voice over
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